While I am only 10 weeks pregnant and have lost probably close to 15 pounds from being so sick all the time, my pants seem to have gotten to where they dont fit. I have noticed this for the past week or so but figured it was way WAY to soon to buy maternity clothes.
After some serious research (ok not that serious) I learned that every body is different and some people show sooner than others. I think the fact that I already have a some what fluffy stomach, it has started to turn more round lol! I figured that it would be a breeze to find something,
but boy was I SO wrong!!!!!
I was surprised at how many places dont carry maternity clothes in store at least around here! (thanks Sears and JC Penneys!) I found a pair at target but of course when I go back to buy them they werent there! Just my luck! I begged Eric to drive me to the next town over and we got super lucky at OLD NAVY!!!! Not only did they only have one pair in my size but it was also military discount day! THank goodness!
So from here I ask you,
Where have you had the most luck with Maternity clothes and how far along were you when you made the switch?
Next time Ill be taking a trip to Fort Collins where there are plenty of place to buy maternity clothes!